Settings to be used


Server SMTP:
Port SMTP: 25 o 587

Server POP3:
Port POP3: 110

Password: yourpassword

Remember to select the flag "The outgoing mail server (SMTP) requires authentication" or "Server requires authentication", typically located in the "advanced settings" or on "other settings".

The username and password are the same for both the POP3 server and for the SMTP server.

Our SMTP server doesn't require SSL protection (or whatever).


Control Panel

We provide a control panel to monitor the status of your account. So you can control the bandwidth available, the monthly consumption, daily consumption, etc.

Password: yourpassword

Saving bandwidth

To save bandwidth, we recommend:

1. Send small messages.

2. Avoid large attachments. it is preferable to publish the attachment to a website and enter the link in the message to download the file.

3. Attach pictures in the mail to images on the web. Even a small picture may become heavier than the entire message. We recommend that you enter the URL for (http://...) rather than the physical location on your local disk (C:\...).

4. If you use the mail service is preferable for newsletter:

    A. Use the settings of the service STMP Studio and set a Reply-To header in the message (get it from your email client) to a different email from This is to redirect the response to another email address.

    B. Do not use the service as normal inbox but only for shipments.

With regard to the package you choose, the mail service SMTP Studio is available in quarterly, semiannual or annual.